Monday, July 10, 2023

VA Peninsula Opportunity for Conservatives

Dear Patriots of the Virginia Peninsula,

As you know the Progressive Left for years has been set on flipping states that have been reliably "red" into liberal-leaning "blue" states. This is done with permanent campaigning which does not cease. And only those who understand, anticipate, plan, and yes, spend, on the Right have hope of combating it.

I am reaching out to you today about a unique opportunity for conservatives living on the Virginia Peninsula. American Majority Action is organizing and hiring conservative canvassers and paying $25 per hour to survey voters in the newly drawn 24th Senate District. This includes the counties of York and James City, and the cities of Poquoson, Williamsburg and Newport News. Once our data is collected from these surveys, we will transition to promoting those same values that this great country was founded on:

  • Liberty

  • Freedom

  • Economic prosperity

  • Preserving American Values and Traditions

Our goal is to work hard to restore the American dream for every citizen of this great nation. We are American Majority Action and we believe meaningful, lasting political change starts not in Washington, but at state and local levels, where most actual government decisions and spending occurs.

If you or anyone you know is interested in working with American Majority, we have a few spots remaining. Work up to 40 hours per week, but no less than 10, and you can pick your own schedule.

If you have any questions or want to sign up, please respond to this email or give us a call, 757-732-1408, and we will get back to you within the day.

We will also be at your next city committee meeting, so keep an eye out for us there too!!!

Warmest Regards,


Virginia Peninsula

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