Tuesday, March 13, 2012


                             Memorandum To:  YORK COUNTY CITIZENS


From:   York County Citizens Forum (YCCF)

United Nations Agenda 21 (UN A21) is alive and well in our area. Local  Regional Planning Meetings are being held as we speak. If passed, these  plans will solidify A21’s hold on the Historic Triangle and the liberties we enjoy as Americans will soon disappear.  (See below for more info about  Agenda 21 and the planning meetings)

In response to this assault, Concerned Citizens of  the Historic Triangle will hold its first meeting Thursday, March 15  7-8:45 p.m. Tabb Library Meeting  Room,100 Long Green  Blvd.  The purpose of this meeting  is to become informed about these regional plans and learn what we can do  to defend our Constitutional liberties.

Mary Leedom, candidate for York County Republican Committee Chairperson, and Sue Sadler of James City County have been on the front lines of this battle locally and will be our presenters.

Do spread the word and come. We need many to voice their concerns or this “regional plan” will quickly become a set of costly, intrusive, oppressive regulations to which we, our children and grandchildren will have to submit.


Excerpt from  "Agenda 21- The UN  Blueprint for the 21st Century," (http://windfarms.wordpress.com/2008/01/17/agenda-21---the-un-blueprint-for-the-21st-century/1st-century/):  

Like most “green movement initiatives,” Agenda 21  is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”   It is not an environmental management policy, but an attempt to  impose a global centrally-planned quasi-government administered by the United Nations.  Under Agenda  21, all central government and local authority signatories are required to conform strictly to a common prescribed standard and hence this is just communism resurrected in a new guise.

READ THE PLAN HERE:  http://www.historictrianglecollaborative.com/files/HTCVisionProjectFINAL.pdf

Also attached, please find the Call to the Biennial York County Republican Party Mass Meeting to be held March 29, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at Grafton Middle School.

York County Citizens Forum

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